SELinux & Xen

Jordi Prats jprats at
Sun Jun 10 22:58:02 UTC 2007

Hi all,
I've read this brief documentation on the fedora and RHEL5 documentation

I'm understanding that this will grant access to the device to the xen
daemon (xend)

# semanage fcontext -a -t xen_image _t -f -b /dev/sda2
# restorecon /dev/sda2

But there's any way that you can be sure that a given domain can't acces
to data on a other xen guest (a diferent device) using selinux?

So, the Xen guest A could only acces to /dev/sda, and Xen guest B could
only acces to /dev/sdb but they both are using the same xend daemon.

Thank you very much!
       / /          Jordi Prats Català
 C E / S / C A      Departament de Sistemes
     /_/            Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya

 Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
 T. 93 205 6464 · F.  93 205 6979 · jprats at

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