Apache Httpd, PHP, Smarty and SELinux

Ingemar Nilsson init at kth.se
Wed Jul 30 14:10:26 UTC 2008


Yesterday I set up a small PHP web service on one of our CentOS 5 
servers. It uses Smarty for templating, with the dynamically compiled 
templates being stored in a directory with SELinux context 
root:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t. The system runs with SELinux in 
enforcing mode, with httpd using the context root:system_u:httpd_t.

For the fun of it, I looked through the SELinux policy allow rules, but 
I couldn't find a rule that says that processes in the httpd_t domain 
can write to files labeled httpd_sys_content_t, but it does anyway.

I got the (supposedly) complete list of active policy rules using the 

sesearch -a

Running the command

sesearch -a | grep 'httpd_t ' | grep httpd_sys_content_t

produces the following list:

    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : file { ioctl read getattr lock };
    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : dir { ioctl read getattr lock 
search };
    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : lnk_file { ioctl read getattr 
lock };
    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : file { ioctl read getattr lock };
    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : dir { ioctl read getattr lock 
search };
    allow httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : lnk_file { read getattr };
    type_transition httpd_t httpd_sys_content_t : process 

I don't see any rule that allows httpd_t processes to write to 
httpd_sys_content_t directories. What is going on?


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