how to allow one program to mount to /tmp?

Johnny Tan linuxweb at
Fri Mar 7 16:10:28 UTC 2008

I use puppet to do config management. It writes to 
/tmp/puppet.$$ files to capture the output of commands, then 
reads in from those tmp files after.

It seems that when puppet attempts to do a mount command to 
/tmp, selinux is denying it.

When I do audit2allow, it comes up with this:

require {
         type initrc_tmp_t;
         type mount_t;
         class file { read write };

#============= mount_t ==============
allow mount_t initrc_tmp_t:file { read write };

To me, this seems a bit broad. The above allows any program 
to mount to /tmp, right?

How can I modify it such that only my puppet program is 
allowed, but continued to deny all others?


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