SELinux is preventing zenity...

Steve Blackwell zephod at
Fri Dec 18 01:36:00 UTC 2009

I have a UPS that sends an SNMP trap when the main power goes out.
I wrote my snmptrapd.conf file to execute a script when the trap is
received. The script simply calls zenity to pop up a message.

Here's my problem. If I start snmptrapd from the command line
everything works beautifully but if I have the system start it at boot
time or via System->Administration->Services, the trap gets logged
in /var/log/messages but the zenity window doesn't get displayed and I
get these SELinux messages in /var/log/messages.

SELinux is preventing the zenity from using potentially mislabeled
files (XO)...

SELinux is preventing zenity (snmpd_t) "name_connect" to <Unknown>

I've looked at the ouput of

# ps -ef | grep snmptrapd

and it is identical in both cases so I don't understand why one works
and the other doesn't. I tried

# cat /var/log/messages | audit2allow -m local

but that just produced a file that said:

module local 1.0;

and nothing else.

I'm running RHEL5.4 with SELinux in enforcing mode.

Any help would be appreciated.


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