Why can't I set /mnt/path to samba_share_t ?

Shintaro Fujiwara shintaro.fujiwara at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 21:44:29 UTC 2010

Hi, I'm now making server at my office with f12.
I'm moved by how easy SELinux became to configure anythinng after all
these years.

I have mounted HDs on /mnt/path or /media/path.

The HDs are mounted on /mnt/path which reside valuable data inside,
and on /media/path
which has backup tar balls.

The one on /mnt/path are shared data by samba so that some
organization unit guys can read and write through network.

First,I set
#chmod 777 /mnt/path
and this is just a test, so it's not controversial.
Second, after I read smb.conf, and I found SELinux configuration
telling to set path to samba_share_t by chcon.
I made it and it was a success, I could read and write from network to

Next, I commanded,
# restorecon -R -v /mnt
and /mnt/path became mnt_t.
In that, I failed both read nor write.

I made local module by audit2allow and installed by semodule -i.
Of course, I restoreconed.
I failed again.

I did
# touch /.autorelabel
# shutdown -r now

I failed.

security context of /mnt/path is still mnt_t.

How can I set security context of /mnt/path to samba_share_t not using chcon ?

Thanks in advance.

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