sandbox: open new firefox tab from outside

Christoph A. casmls at
Fri Apr 15 13:08:52 UTC 2011

On 09/12/2010 02:54 PM, Christoph A. wrote:
> Hi,
> I was using firefox within sandboxes for a while without perm. home
> directory.
> To store bookmarks, addons and so on, I started to use perm. homedir (-H).
> Because firefox does not allow multiple concurrent sessions (lock on
> .mozilla) it is not possible to open multiple websites when specifying
> the same sandbox homedir, hence I'm looking for a possibility to open
> new websites within a running sandbox from outside.
> Without sandboxes everyone can open new websites in a running firefox
> instance using:
> firefox -remote "openurl("
> sandbox scenario:
> 1. step:
> start firefox:
> sandbox -X -H homedir -T tempdir -t sandbox_web_t -l s0:c100,c100 firefox
> 2. step:
> sandbox -H homedir -T tempdir -t sandbox_web_t -l s0:c100,c100 firefox
> -remote "openurl("
> My current attempts fail because I'm unable use the '-l' option
> (#632377) but would the policy allow the 'firefox -remote' command if
> type and security level matches with the already running sandbox?

For the record:

Josh posted a while ago a simple method for opening a new tab in an
existing sandbox:

best regards,
Christoph A.
PS: nice to see someone else using ones submission (-w) :)

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