Sharing a network port between types

Darr247 darr247 at
Thu Jun 27 14:44:41 UTC 2013

On 2013-06-27 7:37 AM, Tim Verhoeven wrote:
> That is of course a easy workaround. But changing the port on the 
> service IP would mean that the all customers would need to access SFTP 
> over a non standard port and the purpose of the whole exercise was to 
> provide a file transfer service over a simple standard port. Port 22 
> ticks all the boxes ;) And changing the port for the internal IP would 
> mean that that server would be the only one running SSH over a 
> different port, making it none standard and require a lot of custom 
> work for all our management scripts.

I thought the "standard port" for FTP over SSL (ftps) was 989 ?

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