Adding new type

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Fri Jun 5 13:20:46 UTC 2015

Simon Sekidde <ssekidde at>:

>> I am a developer creating a new type of service. Let's call it
>> "abcd." Am I expected to have my RPM package create a new type
>> "abcd_exec_t"?
> This would have to be defined in the type enforcing (.te) file for
> "abcd"

I take it the answer to my question is, Yes. Thank you.

Now, I suppose the process is to create abcd.te in my source code. I
then compile the .te file as follows:

   checkmodule -M -m -o abcd.mod abcd.te
   semodule_package -o abcd.pp -m abcd.mod

I include abcd.pp in my RPM package and have its postinstall section

   semodule -i abcd.pp


I will also need to specify an abcd.fc. What do I do with the file? Is
it magically imported by checkmodule?


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