Discussion of Fedora Server use-cases

Michael R. Davis mrdvt92 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 22:55:25 UTC 2013

>>  - /etc/fstab.d/ capability
>Could you provide an example of why this might be useful? Do you
>programmatically change mount points enough for this?

I have applications that need mounts points.  I need to deploy to every server.  I'd like to do this in RPM easily not in chef or puppet or augtool.

>>  - Moving /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files from fedora-release to an
>> independent package that can optionally not be installed in the
> Could you elaborate a bit on this one as well please?

My IT guys will do a yum update before they remove the default repo files an we'll get Internet installed RPMs on our systems.  Which is a no-no for us.  We are required to only use the local repo which may be behind the latest on the net but that's what's been tested with the apps.

> > We really need to fix the Oracle instant client mess.
> I've not found oracle overly willing to help in most aspects. In most
> cases they've been condescending and arrogant.

We still need to do the best we can to make it easy.

These are the RPMs that we have build.  I think most are home grown but there is no need for every company to repeat this mess.


>> Bottom line I think Fedora should provide the running building block or
>> even full running applications like TurnKey Linux with a nice default
>> configuration.  e.g. I need a running webserver "yum install httpd-on". 
>> I need a running database "yum install postgresql-server-on".

>Would there be an equivalent -off for folks who wish to manually tinker
>prior to enabling? 

yum erase httpd-on; turns it off it's just a wrapper package...

but yum install httpd; service httpd start; would still work.

> I'm not convinced that yum should be in the business of
> enabling/disabling services like this.

"yum" would not be. The spec "post" would actually "do" it.  
I think if we raise the bar we can start building mansions and the end application only need to build a room. If we raise the bar far enough there's no stopping us.

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