rolekit D-Bus API v2

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at
Tue Jul 1 06:56:59 UTC 2014

Thomas Woerner <twoerner at> writes:

> org.fedoraproject.rolekit1.roles.$name

I don't understand the purpose of "$name" here.  Why not
"org.fedoraproject.rolekit1.role"?  This is the one concrete interface
that we want all roles to implement.  It can have one concrete name, no?

>    deploy(a{sv})            # deploy role (i.e. running initial setup
>                             # post-package-install, ipa-server-install)
>                             # with the given parameters in key value
>                             # pairs in a dictionary, these parameters should be
>                             # saved in the role configuration setings by
>                             # the role after successful deployment

As a generic client that wants to discover and deploy roles, how do I
determine the parameters?  Is it OK to just pass an empty dictionary?

>    updateRole()             # update role: yum update; restartServices;
>                             # updateFirewall

How can I see whether an update is available?

It would be nice to be able to show a localized description and an icon
in the UI.  Can we get that from somewhere?

> STARTED = "started"
> RUNNING = "running"

What's the difference between these two?  A description of the states
would be helpful.

> ERROR = "error"

I guess an interactive client will want to offer different actions
depending on the state of a role.  For example, when the state is
"nascent", it would offer to deplpy the role, but not to "start" it.
When it is "ready-to-start" or "stopped", it would offer to start it.

What should it offer in the "error" state?  Nothing?

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