firewalld vs iptables vs ? as default (was Comparison to Workstation Technical Specification)

Miloslav Trmač mitr at
Tue Mar 4 12:40:49 UTC 2014

2014-03-03 23:13 GMT+01:00 Simo Sorce <simo at>:

> On Mon, 2014-03-03 at 19:08 +0100, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> > 1) The computer is assumed to be competently administered[1] on a
> > homogenous network.  This implies that any service running with an
> > open port is intended to run and have that port open, so there is no
> > point with restricting it with a firewall.  There is obviously no
> > point in restricting closed ports with a firewall.  With this
> > assumption, firewall should be either completely absent or permitting
> > almost all traffic (or perhaps enforcing some kind of minimal policy,
> > filtering out clearly bogus packets) by default.
> >
> I think that you badly characterize this case (and perhaps 2 too).
> What I think you fail to address is the case where the administrator is
> competent but the *users* of the system may not be.
> In this case services configured and run by the administrator should
> poke holes, but in general other ports should be firewalled because
> users may inadvertently run services that open ports w/o realizing it.
> This is the case where a firewall make sense as a default installation
> even though roles are allowed to automatically poke holes at
> configuration time.

Even in such a case it would not make sense for the *role* to decide
whether to poke holes for itself: either the system roles are assumed to be
competently administered or not, and in both cases all roles on the system
should be treated the same.

And I don't think the case you describe is frequent in the firsts place.
It requires:

   - A multi-user UNIX system (in itself becoming rare, everyone has a
   powerful personal computer, and remoting the GUI loses features; you would
   have a git server or a file server or a VPN server, but not so much a
   general shell server)
   - A multi-user UNIX system that *also* provides other roles at the same
   time (tightly coupling things that probably shouldn't be coupled, using
   separate VMs would result in more flexibility)
   - A system that is reachable from an environment that is more hostile
   than the users (e.g. with a public IP address); again note that the
   firewall setups we are talking about don't affect outgoing connections,
   only incoming connections matter.

So, a multi-user server with a public IP address:  Yes, there is a specific
and frequent kind of them - web hosting servers; but those are also not
something that we really can support as a default setup, and longer-term
I'd expect them to go the OpenShift way, giving each user a separate
container with a separate network namespace.  Other than web hosting, are
public multi-user servers with ability of users to run arbitrary code
really that frequent?
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