rolekit D-Bus API v2

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at
Wed Sep 10 12:19:46 UTC 2014

On 09/09/2014 06:28 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-06-30 at 16:44 +0200, Thomas Woerner wrote:
> > rolekit D-Bus API
> > =================
> >    deploy(a{sv})            # deploy role (i.e. running initial setup
> > post-package-install, ipa-server-install)
> >                             # with the given parameters in key value
> > pairs in a dictionary, these parameters should be
> >                             # saved in the role configuration setings by
> > the role after successful deployment
> >    decommission()           # decommision (example: moved to another
> > machine, ipa-server-install -u ), stop if started
> Bit late, but - why don't the verbs match? "undeploy" is a bit of an
> awkward word, but you're more likely to guess it as the converse of
> "deploy" than you are to guess "decommission". or "deploy" could be
> "commission", of course.
Primarily because "decommission" is a real English word (and commonly used in enterprises to describe the behavior of tearing down a service).

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