[Fedora-suds-list] suds client and soaplib

John Aherne jjaherne at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 23 11:00:29 UTC 2010

I have done some more experimenting and have traced the code through a bit
more. Without knowing more about soap, I'm not too sure what is going on but
it seems to object to the lower level complex types. In the resovler
mechanism, it fails with the getchildren for the complextype.

If I knew more about soap, I might work out what the problem was. But the
fact that the soaplib client works spot on as far as I can see makes me
think the problem lies elsewhere. Either I need to adjust what I am doing in
suds or I need to change how I setup the classes in soaplib

I have attached another debug with some more detail from typer and resolver.

Hope this is not overload. But thanks for any feedback.

John Aherne

DEBUG:suds.transport.http:opening (http://localhost:7789/CreateJob?wsdl)
HEADERS: {'SOAPAction': u'"list_jobs"', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
'Content-type': 'text/xml', 'Soapaction': u'"list_jobs"'}
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
CODE: 200
HEADERS: {'date': 'Fri, 23 Apr 2010 10:42:32 GMT', 'content-length': '1240',
'content-type': 'text/xml', 'server': 'WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.5.4'}
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
xsi:type="xs:string">Meeting</type><id xsi:type="xs:integer">244</id><value
xs:nil="1"/><callerName xsi:type="xs:string">john</callerName><lastDrop
xs:nil="1"/><jobDate xs:nil="1"/><callerPhone xs:nil="1"/><number
xsi:type="xs:integer">1</number><stops type="tns:StopArray"/><pinCode
xs:nil="1"/><delay xs:nil="1"/><cancelledOnArrival xs:nil="1"/><actors
type="tns:ActorArray"><Actor><id xs:nil="1"/><email xsi:type="xs:string">
fred at fred.com</email><role xs:nil="1"/><name
xs:nil="1"/></Actor></actors><firstPickUp xs:nil="1"/><cancelled
xs:nil="1"/><mainPassenger xs:nil="1"/><price
xsi:type="xs:float">30.5</price><callerEmail xs:nil="1"/><id
****name2** @type **parent** <Complex:0x1335530 name="JobArray">
      <Element:0x1335650 name="Job" type="(u'Job', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')"
****name2** (None, [])
types******** name type **value** tns:JobArray **content** (Content){
   node = <list_jobsResult type="tns:JobArray">
      <specialInstructions type="tns:SpecialInstructionArray">
            <type xsi:type="xs:string">Meeting</type>
            <id xsi:type="xs:integer">244</id>
            <value xs:nil="1"/>
      <asSoonAsPossible xs:nil="1"/>
      <callerName xsi:type="xs:string">john</callerName>
      <lastDrop xs:nil="1"/>
      <jobDate xs:nil="1"/>
      <callerPhone xs:nil="1"/>
      <number xsi:type="xs:integer">1</number>
      <stops type="tns:StopArray"/>
      <pinCode xs:nil="1"/>
      <delay xs:nil="1"/>
      <cancelledOnArrival xs:nil="1"/>
      <actors type="tns:ActorArray">
            <id xs:nil="1"/>
            <email xsi:type="xs:string">fred at fred.com</email>
            <role xs:nil="1"/>
            <name xsi:type="xs:string">fred</name>
            <telephone xs:nil="1"/>
      <firstPickUp xs:nil="1"/>
      <cancelled xs:nil="1"/>
      <mainPassenger xs:nil="1"/>
      <price xsi:type="xs:float">30.5</price>
      <callerEmail xs:nil="1"/>
      <id xs:nil="1"/>
      <serviceCode xs:nil="1"/>
   data = <empty>
   text = None
   type = <Complex:0x1335530 name="JobArray">
      <Element:0x1335650 name="Job" type="(u'Job', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')"
   real = <Complex:0x1335530 name="JobArray">
      <Element:0x1335650 name="Job" type="(u'Job', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')"
 } **type** None
WARNING:suds.umx.typed:attribute (type) type, not-found
****name2** @type **parent** <Complex:0x12e1390
      <Element:0x1335410 name="SpecialInstruction"
type="(u'SpecialInstruction', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
****name2** (None, [])
types******** name type **value** tns:SpecialInstructionArray **content**
   node = <specialInstructions type="tns:SpecialInstructionArray">
      <type xsi:type="xs:string">Meeting</type>
      <id xsi:type="xs:integer">244</id>
      <value xs:nil="1"/>
   data = <empty>
   text = None
   type = <Element:0x1335ab0 name="specialInstructions"
type="(u'SpecialInstructionArray', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
   real = <Complex:0x12e1390 name="SpecialInstructionArray">
      <Element:0x1335410 name="SpecialInstruction"
type="(u'SpecialInstruction', u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
 } **type** None
WARNING:suds.umx.typed:attribute (type) type, not-found
****name2** @type **parent** <Complex:0x1335310 name="StopArray">
      <Element:0x1335550 name="Stop" type="(u'Stop',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
****name2** (None, [])
types******** name type **value** tns:StopArray **content** (Content){
   node = <stops type="tns:StopArray"/>
   data = <empty>
   text = None
   type = <Element:0x1335b90 name="stops" type="(u'StopArray',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
   real = <Complex:0x1335310 name="StopArray">
      <Element:0x1335550 name="Stop" type="(u'Stop',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
 } **type** None
WARNING:suds.umx.typed:attribute (type) type, not-found
****name2** @type **parent** <Complex:0x1335630 name="ActorArray">
      <Element:0x13356d0 name="Actor" type="(u'Actor',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
****name2** (None, [])
types******** name type **value** tns:ActorArray **content** (Content){
   node = <actors type="tns:ActorArray">
      <id xs:nil="1"/>
      <email xsi:type="xs:string">fred at fred.com</email>
      <role xs:nil="1"/>
      <name xsi:type="xs:string">fred</name>
      <telephone xs:nil="1"/>
   data = <empty>
   text = None
   type = <Element:0x1335c10 name="actors" type="(u'ActorArray',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
   real = <Complex:0x1335630 name="ActorArray">
      <Element:0x13356d0 name="Actor" type="(u'Actor',
u'CreateJob.CreateJob')" />
 } **type** None
WARNING:suds.umx.typed:attribute (type) type, not-found
j0000 1 john 30.5 (ActorArray){
   _type = "tns:ActorArray"
   Actor[] =
         id = None
         email = "fred at fred.com"
         role = None
         name = "fred"
         telephone = None
 } (SpecialInstructionArray){
   _type = "tns:SpecialInstructionArray"
   SpecialInstruction[] =
         type = "Meeting"
         id = 244
         value = None
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