[Fedora-suds-list] suds and Exchange Web Services

Erik Cederstrand erik at cederstrand.dk
Fri Sep 3 07:52:50 UTC 2010

Hi Jon

I'm working on a python module for Exchange. There are various other problems using Exchange together with Suds, one being that Exchange (despite the XSD) needs some calls to be in a specific XML format that Suds is unable to generate. Another problem is that Suds doesn't offer connection  pooling, which is important to me, as I'm doing high-volume content creation in Exchange.

If you, or anyone else, is interested in helping out please send me a note.


Den 03/09/2010 kl. 00.11 skrev jon at objectevolution.com:

> Hi,
> I'm using the suds-ews branch to "try" and connect to Exchange Web Services for a client. Couple things I've run into:
> 1. I need to bring Services.wsdl, messages.xsd and types.xsd local and not on the Exchange server so I could modify Services.wsdl and append the following:
> <wsdl:service name="ExchangeServices">
>        <wsdl:port name="ExchangeServicePort" binding="tns:ExchangeServiceBinding">
>                <soap:address location="https://exchange.server.com/ews/Exchange.asmx" />
>        </wsdl:port>
>    </wsdl:service>
> 2. Now, I get the client creation in Python just fine but when I go to call a service it wants me to, obviously, authenticate.
> I can authenticate to the server upon client creation but I get a bad wsdl which needs the xml snippet from above. I can go local with the wsdl but then I need to authenticate to call a service.
> Can the client call a service and pass a transport as well?
> Thanks,
> Jon
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