Summit 2011 - pamphlets?

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at
Fri Mar 18 15:24:19 UTC 2011

I'm just going to take a moment to remind everyone that:

(a) Red Hat Summit is coming up in early May, and
(b) This list serves as a nice place for us to discuss Summit-related 
things. :)

And now to continue on with what I was getting at -

Mizmo (copied, not sure if you're on this list or not) - the pamphlets 
you folks created for SXSW... do you think there's an opportunity to 
branch out on those a bit and take them to some other work/hobby types? 
ie: Coder, sysadmin, etc? (Surely we can think of something more 
creative than those, but just as a start.)

I think that might be cool for Summit.


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