Summit 2011 - pamphlets?

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at
Tue Mar 22 14:56:44 UTC 2011

On 03/22/2011 07:33 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> CC'ing Emily who created the awesome pamphlets....
> On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 15:24 +0000, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
>> Mizmo (copied, not sure if you're on this list or not) - the pamphlets
>> you folks created for SXSW... do you think there's an opportunity to
>> branch out on those a bit and take them to some other work/hobby types?
>> ie: Coder, sysadmin, etc? (Surely we can think of something more
>> creative than those, but just as a start.)
>> I think that might be cool for Summit.
> Here's the ideas for additional pamphlets we came up with at SXSW:
> - student
> - web developer
> - kids
> - gamer
> - sys admin
> - cloud developer (would be nice for Summit)
I think those would all work, though I'm not quite sure what a "cloud 
developer" is - is this more of a sysadmin type, or software engineer type?

> I simply can't take this on. I have too many Summit tasks on my plate
> already + a wedding and 2 week honeymoon between now and the Summit. If
> someone would kindly volunteer and be a hero to develop the content for
> the 6 pamphlets above (or just a subset of them, as long as it included
> the 3 technical ones we'd be good), then maybe we could find a volunteer
> on the design team to output them.
Understood. Good luck :)

Emily: Is the source for the pamphlets available somewhere, or at least 
.pdfs for people to look at, so they know what kind of/how much content 
they'd need to make? Could we link it to the Summit Planning page?
> You're likely going to need a 1 week lead time on the production of the
> pamphlets, though they are produced in Westford and I'd be happy to pick
> them up and drive them down to the Summit if someone can handle the
> rest.
Do we have a bill somewhere on how much they cost? (Jared, maybe you can 
answer this for Máirín?)

Are there leftovers from SXSW by chance?
> ~m

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