APT, Yum and Red Carpet

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Aug 14 16:34:08 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 12:30, Edward C. Bailey wrote:
> >>>>> "seth" == seth vidal <skvidal at phy.duke.edu> writes:
> >> This is supposed to be true already; trademarks should be either in
> >> redhat-logos or anaconda-images, not in any other package.  Replacing
> >> those could be made easier by introducing some standard replacement
> >> packages.
> seth> Well - it seems to me that the trademark policy requires removing any
> seth> place it says 'red hat'
> Not necessarily -- that would imply that nobody could refer to our company
> as "Red Hat", for example.  The use to which the words comprising a
> trademark are put also has a bearing on the matter.  Otherwise, there are
> companies producing feed and irrigation equipment (iirc) that would be
> knocking on our door, as their use of the words "Red Hat" no doubt predate
> ours... :-)

No it doesn't - I don't mean anyplace - but for example - if anaconda
refers to red hat linux as what you are installing that would seem to
fall under the trademark constraints.


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