Sox and soxmix [bugzilla bug#102499]

Jared Smith jsmith at
Fri Aug 15 23:22:31 UTC 2003

I've already filed this in bugzilla under bug #102499, but I thought I'd
post here for some input.  The RPM for sox (a sound manipulation
program) is missing soxmix (a program for mixing two audio streams
together into one file).

I've looked at the spec file, and found the following:

# remove unpackaged files from the buildroot
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/soxmix

My question is this:  Is there any specific reason you are removing
soxmix from the RPM?  

To make a long story short, I've created a patch (attached to the bug
report in bugzilla) that fixes the problem.  I hope my little
contribution helps someone else out and can find its way into the next
beta (if it's not too late).

I'd appreciate any feedback you might want to share with me...

Jared Smith

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