Cleaning up dependency hell

Florian La Roche laroche at
Sun Aug 24 18:45:13 UTC 2003

> I think 2 really cool things that the REALLY open development model can 
> do is help organize Bug Triage days and also help point out and fix all 
> these silly dependency chains. Maybe help rewrite spec files that create 
> truly minimal packages that do not pull in extra dependencies.

I am just looking at some of the build dependencies. Things get easily
out of band. Perl requires dos2unix, elfutils require sharutils etc.

A bit bigger problem is the growing dependencies of libs.
pam, openssl, openldap, tcp_wrappers, some GUI libs, kerberous and
a couple of addon libs get easily added and the mix seems to get
even bigger all the time.


Florian La Roche

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