CD burning software

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Wed Dec 3 09:05:17 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 16:53, stephan schutter wrote:
> Well, Alex... I did install "@everything" and I am still prompted for 
> the root password. 

This might be due to the way the cdburning app you use is set up.
Nautilus-cd-burner for instance never runs anything as root. 

> can I manually run kudzu? can kudzu run like a 
> service and auto detect hardware changes as they happen (mice, network, 
> usb devices)? 

I dunno. I think kudzu is supposed to run from the hotplug script to
handle this, but I'm not an expert in how this works.

> These things seem to have a lot of trouble; a cd of floppy 
> get mounted and then can not be unmounted because it is "busy" or what 
> ever... we can not expect users to respect the unmount first rule... 
> they will simply yank the floppy or USB storage device. Can you immagin 
> how angry a user at home will be if he/she can not get the CD out of the 
> drive (I know there is a lazy unmount option, but I am one in a milion)? 
>   These things occur most frequently when items are mounted with 
> alternate credentials.

This is another problem entierly.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl at    alla at 
He's a suicidal Catholic vagrant from the 'hood. She's a man-hating mutant 
magician's assistant who don't take no shit from nobody. They fight crime! 

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