diskcheck default configuration bug/problem

Doncho N. Gunchev mr700 at globalnet.bg
Thu Dec 11 12:12:02 UTC 2003

When I get mail from diskcheck with redhat9/fedora core 1 with
the default settings in the mail headers I see:
|--- cut ---
|To: root at globalnet.bg
|From: Disk at globalnet.bg, Usage at globalnet.bg, Monitor at globalnet.bg,
|	- at globalnet.bg, diskcheck at globalnet.bg
|Subject: Low disk space warning
|--- cut ---
which kmail at least shows like 5 users have send this email. I fixed
the problem after looking in '/etc/cron.hourly/diskcheck' and
'/etc/diskcheck.conf'. If I remove the setting in the .conf file or
change it to "Disk Usage Monitor - diskcheck <diskcheck at globalnet.bg>"
everything is fine - 1 sender :)
|--- cut ---
|To: root at globalnet.bg
|From: Disk Usage Monitor - diskcheck <diskcheck at globalnet.bg>
|Subject: Low disk space warning
|--- cut ---

Here's how the default files look like:
In '/etc/diskcheck.conf' we have:
|--- cut ---
|# Who to identify the mail as coming from.
|mailFrom = "Disk Usage Monitor - diskcheck"
|--- cut ---
while in '/etc/cron.hourly/diskcheck' we have:
|--- cut ---
|    set_default(conf, 'mailFrom', "Disk Usage Monitor <root>")
|--- cut ---
  I tryed reporting this problem via https://bugzilla.fedora.us/query.cgi,
but I can not find 'diskcheck' listed there.
  I supose the easy way to fix this is to change the default configuration
file, but the "Right Way"(tm) maybe is to add some checks in diskcheck
itself... or this is postfix problem (I don't use sendmail on any PC)?

btw: how is it possible to have 1 email with 5 senders?

  Doncho N. Gunchev

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