ifup issues

Jaap A. Haitsma jaap at haitsma.org
Sat Nov 1 21:16:00 UTC 2003


I have a Cisco Aironet 340 PCMCIA wireless access card. ifup and ifdown 
have the expected behaviour but ifup generates some output I think it 
should not generate.

* Issue 1, when my card is in Managed mode

I get the following extraneous line:
Cannot get driver information: Operation not supported

It is generated by ethtool -i in the following line in ifup (line 212)

if [ "${TYPE}" =  "Bonding" ] || ethtool -i $DEVICE | grep -q "driver: 
bonding" ; then

* Issue 2, when my card is in Auto mode

I get the following extra output

Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
     SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.
Cannot get driver information: Operation not supported

First two lines are generated by
iwconfig $DEVICE mode $MODE (line 34 of ifup-wireless)

last line again by ifup

* Issue 3

I have set the option that normal users can issue an ifup and an ifdown 
and I also have encryption enabled on my wireless link.

redhat-config-network saves the WEP key in 
and gives this file rw permission for only the root owner. Issuing an 
ifup or ifdown as a normal user then gives the following extra output

/sbin/ifup: line 48: keys-wifi0: Permission denied

It's easily solved by just changing the permissions of the file, but in 
my opinion redhathe file should be world readable if I tell 
redhat-config-network that I want users to be able to control the device


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