getting pine to run under fedora 0.94 -- a couple issues

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Sun Oct 5 09:09:42 UTC 2003

  a couple issues regarding getting pine to run under fedora 0.94. as i
found out, you can't just download and re-install a recent pine binary RPM
on to fedora, as the kerberos libs have changed and don't supply the
required that pine is looking for.  so, in case you're
trying to do just that, here's what seems to work.

  provided you don't need kerberos support in pine, grab a source
RPM and install it:

  # rpm -ivh pine...src.rpm

  go to the install directory, edit the pine.spec file, and add the line 

%define   nokerberos    1

  save, exit, and

  # rpmbuild -bb pine.spec

that should give you a usable pine binary rpm.  and the second point.

  when i asked about this on another list, i'm sure i was pointed to a
filed bugzilla entry on this.  just now, i tried to query for this report,
but was utterly unable to find it.  i tried to be as general as possible,
"fedora", "test2", didn't even specify a status or anything. but got no

  can someone provide the magic incantation that would have produced this
bug report, based on the relevant keywords?  sometimes, bugzilla can be 
maddeningly non-productive.


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