Red Hat Professional Workstation

MJang michael at
Fri Oct 10 15:18:18 UTC 2003

Dear Bill,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Nottingham" <notting at>
> > Has there been a beta of Red Hat Professional Workstation?
> Not exactly (see below).
> > Is it more closely related to Fedora or RHEL?
> It's related to RHEL; the Taroon beta is much more relevant to
> Red Hat Professional Workstation than Fedora is.

Thanks for your quick response. Thus, can I assume it's most closely related to RHEL Workstation? If so, do you know what the
differences are? For example, maybe it doesn't include the non-free 3rd party software that Alan Cox mentioned earlier?

To rephrase - why would Red Hat release both an Enterprise Workstation and a Professional Workstation product?

Mike Jang

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