New extra packages and yum repository

Noah Silva [Mailing list] nsilva-list at
Thu Oct 16 19:50:51 UTC 2003

> Noah Silva [Mailing list] wrote:
> >A more important thing to fix would be the prehistoric xscreensaver
> >password entry box that lookis -nothing- like gnome (and makes me wonder
> >what the difference between xscreensaver and gnome-xscreensaver is..)
> I had a replacement for that "help! my monitor is on fire!" graphic a
> while back.  If I remember correctly, the dialog hardcodes the image in
> XPM format within some source code, so it's not as easy to replace the
> image as it is to theme everything else, so we didn't get it in back then.
> The entire look of it also needs to change, as you state.
> I wish it used GTK+ and was aware of themes, or could at least be able
> to have a drop-in graphic replacement on runtime instead of a hard-coded
> one.
> Garrett
Obviously, I haven't looked at the source code for it, and you have, but:
I would think, xscreensaver itself does very little anyway (reads some
configuration, launches the screensaver binaries, and presents that
wonderful password screen.  I would think, if nothing else, the UI part
could be ripped out and re-written fairly easily?  The lock part could
even use some code from gdm possibly.

(I always thought it would be nice if when the screen is locked, there
would be an option to "log in again", that would start X on the next VT,
and bring up GDM there.  Then when someone locks the computer and
leaves, someone else with an account can still easily log in...).

As a hack in the meantime, perhaps the XMP can just be made loadable.

 -- noah silva

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