Question about dual-booting two versions of RedHat

ags3 ag.tex at
Thu Oct 16 20:52:26 UTC 2003

On 22:13, giovedì 16 ottobre 2003, Edward C. Bailey wrote:
> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Smith <operalover_99 at> writes:
> Michael> --- "Edward C. Bailey" <ed at> wrote:
> >> (this becomes important a bit later in my description).  I have
> >> configured a shared swap partition, a shared /home partition, and
> >> separate /boot and / partitions for each OS.
> Michael> I, too have sometimes uses a shared /home partition in a dual
> Michael> production/testing setup. I had problems with the test setup doing
> Michael> nasty things to my desktop, such as giving me two sets of icons,
> Michael> or trashing my GNOME drawers. How do you get around such problems
> Michael> in a shared /home setup?
> Well, remember that this is a box dedicated 100% to testing, so a couple
> things are true:
>     o I don't typically customize my desktop environment all that much (I
>       do documentation, so I'm more interested in the stone-stock
>       configuration)
>     o If something goes wrong, I can always blow away my homedir and create
>       a new one
> That said, I've not personally run into anything nearly as nasty as you
> have.  Not that it couldn't happen, though...
>                                 Ed
i make an dedicated user for each os i have installed

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