named - bad base 64 encoding

shrek-m at shrek-m at
Fri Oct 17 15:58:17 UTC 2003

shrek-m at wrote:

> # rpm -q bind
> bind-9.2.2.P3-6
> # rpm -q caching-nameserver
> caching-nameserver-7.2-8
> [...]
> # service named start
> named starten:                                             [  OK  ]
> # service named status
> rndc: decode base64 secret: bad base64 encoding
> # service named stop
> named beenden: rndc: decode base64 secret: bad base64 encoding
>                                                           [FEHLGESCHLAGEN]

# yum install bind*
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: Red Hat Linux 0.95 - i386 - Base
Server: rawhide
Server: Red Hat Linux 0.95 - Updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Resolving dependencies
Dependencies resolved
I will do the following:
[install: bind-devel 9.2.2.P3-8.i386]
[install: bind-chroot 9.2.2.P3-8.i386]
[update: bind 9.2.2.P3-8.i386]
[update: bind-utils 9.2.2.P3-8.i386]
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Getting bind-9.2.2.P3-8.i386.rpm
bind-9.2.2.P3-8.i386.rpm  100% |=========================| 1.7 MB    00:20
Getting bind-devel-9.2.2.P3-8.i386.rpm
bind-devel-9.2.2.P3-8.i38 100% |=========================| 886 kB    00:10
Getting bind-utils-9.2.2.P3-8.i386.rpm
bind-utils-9.2.2.P3-8.i38 100% |=========================| 617 kB    00:06
Getting bind-chroot-9.2.2.P3-8.i386.rpm
bind-chroot-9.2.2.P3-8.i3 100% |=========================|  21 kB    00:00
Running test transaction:
Test transaction complete, Success!
bind-utils 100 % done 1/6
bind 100 % done 2/6
bind-devel 100 % done 3/6
bind-chroot 100 % done 4/6
named beenden: rndc: decode base64 secret: bad base64 encoding
named starten: [  OK  ]
Completing update for bind  - 5/6
Completing update for bind-utils  - 6/6
Installed:  bind-devel 9.2.2.P3-8.i386 bind-chroot 9.2.2.P3-8.i386
Updated:  bind 9.2.2.P3-8.i386 bind-utils 9.2.2.P3-8.i386
Transaction(s) Complete
# service named stop
named beenden: rndc: decode base64 secret: bad base64 encoding
# service named start
named starten:                                             [  OK  ]
# service named status
rndc: decode base64 secret: bad base64 encoding


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