Gnome AND kde conflicting

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Wed Oct 22 14:10:04 UTC 2003


I think sharing settings from gnome and kde is generally a bad idea.

Desktop: Using the same desktop folder results in: 
- 2 Homes: One is opened with nautilus, the other in konqueror.
- KDE drive icons not working with gnome desktop.
- Default kde name for a cdrom is "CD/DVD-ROM", on gnome desktop it
appears as: "CD%2fDVD-ROM" (German locale)
- No icons (ether in gnome or kde) if you decide to choose a different
icon theme than bluecurve.
- and lots of other "No Name"s on the desktop.

please take a look @

- I don't think, it makes any sense, that gmix is the default mixer.
When I choose mixer in the kde menu I expect kmix to start, not gmix!
- There's not even an entry for kmix in the menu.
- Same with lots of other apps: Whenever there's a program in both kde
and gnome, then default should be the one that fits your desktop, the
alternative should be placed in "More Programs"

Maybe users will find this confusing, but I think it's even more
confusing to open gnome-recorder in kde where it is not working (arts
vs. esd).

Why use eggcups when kde already has a print-manager? By the way: 
Eggcups fails loading the icon in notification-area quite often.



Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert at>

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