lilo vs grub

Troy Dawson dawson at
Wed Oct 22 18:24:24 UTC 2003

Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 11:01:01AM -0500, Troy Dawson wrote:
>>OK, so I've spent over an hour looking through the "info" pages.  In fact, 
>>I've even zgrep'ed through it, I CANNOT FIND THIS OPTION.
> This docs are, unfortunately, obsolete and 'once' is not described
> there.  Jeremy probably glimpsed that bit from sources.

Ah ... so I'm not going crazy :)

> As an aside here is how to check that in few short seconds (assuming
> that you are not using emacs and its interface to info - what a
> sensible human beeing would do).  Type 'info grub' and hit 's' key.
> Type 'once' for a search string and hit "Enter".  Repeat 's' and
> "Enter" few times to find out that what are trying to find is
> not really there.  You should be done below 20 seconds.

I didn't know that, thanks for the info.

>>Personally, I think the grub info pages are great for the grub developers. 
>>They are completely horrible for the end user or even the average system admin.
> Actually info is a very nice hypelinked format which allows to find
> out very quickly a desired information in bigger documents.  Even
> nicer if you happen to have only a text terminal to work with.  It
> beats anything html hands down.  Only it pays greatly to type once
> 'info info' and to follow a suggestion of hitting 'h' key there.
> There are also other 'info' readers.
>   Michal

I wasn't saying info pages in general weren't good, just the grub ones.  I 
find myself constantly going in circles when I go through it.  I keep hoping 
they get fixed (it had been a few months since I last looked at them.) so when 
Jeremy said that, I gave them another look.

My favorite info reader is Konquerer.  It's also a great man page reader.  The 
funny thing is, it isn't my favorite web browser.

Troy Dawson  dawson at  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group

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