Games doesent work in Fedora test 3

Justin M. Forbes 64bit_fedora at
Wed Oct 22 19:14:52 UTC 2003

On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> Exactly.  The 2D drivers are maintained extremely well however, 
> and ATI at least makes constant contributions at least once a 
> month if not more of numerous patches to improve support.
> Don't expect to see 3D support for currently unsupported 3D 
> hardware any time soon however, as that's likely to take 8-12 
> months once the documentation is available and someone pays to 
> fund the development of that support.  And currently the docs are 
> not available, and nobody is interested in funding the 
> development it seems.
> While that may present a problem for Linux/X users who need 3D 
> support, there isn't much that we can do about it, other than 
> continue to advocate open source, and continue to ask vendors to 
> support their hardware with open source support.  Before we see 
> vendors supporting 3D in OSS drivers strongly again however, they 
> wont turn their heads unless the revenue to be recognized for 
> them is in their own eyes "non-trivial".
> See my thread entitled "Rant" on devel at about 2-3 
> months ago for further details about the business side of things.
I completely understand. I cannot say as I blame either Nvidia or ATI, in 
fact, I am quite happy to have access to binary drivers... When you think 
about how far 3D under Linux has come in the past 5 years, we are better 
off than I thought we would be.  I guess the point I was trying to make, 
is that binary only drivers are something we are stuck with, and it is 
certainly better than the alternative.  I just think that we as a 
developer community sometimes forget this.  No, we cannot do much to 
support a binary driver, but we do need to realize they are out there, and 
try to coexist as much as possible.  I guess there really is no answer, as 
many users have very unrealistic expectations for support levels... Bah... 
I give up :)


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