Rawhide package problems

Andre Robatino andre at bwh.harvard.edu
Sat Oct 25 18:01:42 UTC 2003

> > Andre Robatino said:
> > >   The following four packages from this morning were improperly built and
> > > can't be installed.
> > >
> > > [andre at localhost up2date]$ rpm -qpi
> > > redhat-config-network-1.3.8-1.noarch.rpm
> > > error: open of <!DOCTYPE failed: No such file or directory
> > > [andre at localhost up2date]$ rpm -qpi
> > > redhat-config-network-tui-1.3.8-1.noarch.rpm
> > > error: open of <!DOCTYPE failed: No such file or directory
> > > [andre at localhost up2date]$ rpm -qpi
> > > redhat-config-services-0.8.5-23.noarch.rpm error: open of <!DOCTYPE
> > > failed: No such file or directory
> > > [andre at localhost up2date]$ rpm -qpi xinitrc-3.35-1.noarch.rpm
> > > error: open of <!DOCTYPE failed: No such file or directory
> > > [andre at localhost up2date]$
> > 
> > Maybe you got bad downloads?  I just downloaded and tested those for and
> > the work for me.
> > 
> > -- 
> > William Hooper
>   I noticed that for some reason the four RPM files were all 5896 bytes.  I
> cleaned out /var/spool/up2date and tried again and this time the files
> downloaded and installed properly (and were bigger, of course).  I have no
> idea what happened.

  I noticed that all four 5896-byte files were identical, and they were all
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