Daylight savings time missed by test3

Mike A. Harris mharris at
Sun Oct 26 16:07:28 UTC 2003

On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Mike Faire wrote:

>My lan server is running RedHat 8.0 and it set it's clock back by
>an hour automatically. Fedora Test 3 did not.

Most likely your system isn't configured to automatically adjust 
for daylight savings time.

>Is anyone else seeing this?

Not according to a bugzilla query.  ;o)

>Is this worthy of a bug report?

Not unless you can reproduce it again after making sure that the 
system is properly configured to adjust for daylight savings time 
(presumeably by setting the time back a day or so to just before 
DST kicks in, and then letting it roll over).  If it can be 
reproduced at will, and nobody else can explain any good reason 
why it is doing that, then I'd consider it bugzilla material.  
But I suspect we'd receive hundreds of bug reports if this were 
the case, so it's important that others can reproduce it also.

Mike A. Harris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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