no X after full upgrade from test3 to upgraded pkgs for test3

Jim Cornette redhat-jc at
Wed Oct 29 23:11:28 UTC 2003

Harry Putnam wrote:
> Jim Cornette <redhat-jc at> writes:
>>>following packages you requested were not found:
>>>   xinitrc-3.35-1.noarch.rpm
>>>I don't see it on Mikes site either.
>>The version is available through rawhide. I checked my installed
>>version and it is what you mentioned.
>>Try the mirror below or any similar mirror. Since you are non-gui, I
>>find mc handy to actually see the files. A command line program should
>>work also. Hopefully, there are not  of a lot of programs that rely on
> OOps it was there... I used the wrong syntax to up2date by including
> the version number.
> Once I fiddled around with the install sequence of XFree86 and
> xinitrc I was able to get everthing installed and X running.
> Thank you.

I am glad that you are back up with the X working. Plus learning how to 
use up2date (without version info).

I think that we got a trunced rpm file related to base fonts for X. I 
think that Paul is in a track to what might have caused the problem. A 
better check is probably a good Idea, especially for X related programs 
or critical files, like the kernel.


posted Paul's excerpt, instead of responding twice.

In an earlier posting I described an up2date failure where a truncated
downloaded package file was not caught by the up2date client. up2date
proceeded to perform the updates, and in the middle of one of the
earlier upgrades terminated with a fatal error. This left a number of
missing packages on the system which had been previously installed, as
apparently has happened here.

I'm not a Python programmer, but a review of the code in
/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client shows that there is some sort of RPM MD5
checking functionality included, but it apparently doesn't use the
payload. Perhaps the workflow there needs to be revisited to see if it
would be appropriate to make a more rigorous check before up2date starts
removing anything.

Again, as before, I ask that someone check my logic and understanding of
the facts or a larger situation here.

If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you
lack sufficient imagination.

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