serious redundancy in bugzilla regarding betas

Andre Robatino andre at
Sat Sep 13 17:40:43 UTC 2003

>   Could this be it?
> Package anaconda-9.0.93-1, /usr/lib/anaconda/

  Don't know what happened, the following text should have been attached:

def betaNagScreen(intf, dir):
    publicBetas = { "Red Hat Linux": "Red Hat Linux Public Beta",
                    "Red Hat Enterprise Linux": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Public Beta" }
    if dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
        return DISPATCH_NOOP
    fileagainst = None
    for (key, val) in publicBetas.items():
        if productName.startswith(key):
            fileagainst = val
    if fileagainst is None:
        fileagainst = "%s Beta" %(productName,)
    while 1:
        rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Warning! This is a beta!"),
                                 _("Thank you for downloading this "
                                   "%s Beta release.\n\n"
                                   "This is not a final "
                                   "release and is not intended for use "
                                   "on production systems.  The purpose of "
                                   "this release is to collect feedback "
                                   "from testers, and it is not suitable "
                                   "for day to day usage.\n\n"
                                   "To report feedback, please visit:\n\n"
                                   "and file a report against '%s'.\n"
                                   %(productName, fileagainst)),
                                   type="custom", custom_icon="warning",
                                   custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"), _("_Install BETA")])

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