What are consequences of "merger necessitates removal of ... packages due to licensing issues"

Randall J. Parr RParr at TemporalArts.COM
Mon Sep 22 20:43:50 UTC 2003

Bill Nottingham wrote:

>Randall J. Parr (RParr at TemporalArts.COM) said: 
>>Yes, there are but they are limited and/or carry with them considerable 
>>The very problems/conflicts which Fedora was really starting to solve 
>>(for me).
>Fedora Linux (http://www.fedora.us/) provided a framework for the
>posting of any packages. I don't see how it would be impossible for
>an external third party repository to use the same structure and
Then why didn't Red Hat just use the framework / structure. Did you have 
to neuter the current project?

>>Killing off such a step forward for Red Hat users with a vague "I'm sure 
>>there will be ..."
>>seems short-sighted and/or selfish (of Red Hat). 
>Well, to put it a different way, I personally feel (warning: Not Speaking
>for Red Hat), that it's better for the success of open source and Red Hat
>for Red Hat not to be sued into oblivion. :) I may be biased, though.
>And, from a legal standpoint, Red Hat just can't be providing such software.

I, as a shareholder, do not want Red Hat sued into oblivion. I don't 
want it sued as all. I appreciate that Red Hat can not appear support 
software which carries legal risks (I quess I should say real risks as 
opposed to SCO risks).

BUT people on the Red Hat lists (incl many Red Hat employees) have taken 
to saying the lack of such software is not *really* a problem because 
you can just go grab it at Fedora (or freshrpms, etc.). Yes, there are 
repository conflicts, etc. but Fedora is providing a solution for that 
as well. Only you've now absorbed the best such option into Red Hat thus 
rendering it unable to solve these problems any more. And (here's my 
primary point) you did so without providing or arranging for any 
alternative that does solve the problem.

I'm frustrated. It seems every time we start to get close to solid, 
useable, way to build/expand/maintain a full-featured Red Hat 
workstation/desktop it is snatched away.

R.Parr, RCHE
Temporal Arts

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