Fedora Core, Fedora Project, Fedora/GNU, Fedora BSD, Fedora Coupe deVille, Fedora ala mode

rg2 grant at p2322.nsk.ne.jp
Tue Sep 23 13:13:35 UTC 2003

Bill Anderson wrote:

>>And, getting back to that icon of a hat on the GNOME menu that just 
>>happens to be a red hat, not a Red Hat, is it going to stay?  Don't want 
>>to waste my effort on a slew of new screenshots.  
>I'd be pleased with a nice royal blue felt hat. ;)
>Or maybe a hat color to go with the theme, with a Royal Blue one as the
>'official standard' one. Picture RedCurve, BlueCurve, and other. ;)
I'm sure you'd look fine in a nice royal blue felt hat, perhaps with a 
big feather stuck in it, but don't count on me for advice in that 
regard- I don't really know what you look like, and the blue felt might 
not suit you at all. Maybe a Hawaiian print? Wear at your own risk.

In the meanwhile, I am still looking for a simple answer to a pretty 
simple questions that is not at all out of line or outside the realm of 
things given the new renaming news. Everyone has their own angle on this 
list and things they want or need to know - that's fair enough. :-P  


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