OT: touchpad with scrolling capabilities

Paul Nasrat pauln at truemesh.com
Sun Sep 28 07:28:55 UTC 2003

On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 08:12:04PM -0500, Santiago Erquicia wrote:

> I have a new Toshiba notebook and one thing that I really like about my
> touchpad is that if I move my finger at the right part of it upwards or
> downwards it scrolls the windows up and down.  

> Does anyone know who should I comment of this functionality?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "who I should comment of this
functionality" , as you don't say under what OS you are doing this and
whether or not you see this behaviour under Fedora Core (severn).  I
assume from the fact that you like this behaviour you are seeing it on
an alternative OS and not on Fedora and you'd like to see it there
(based on my knowledge of ps/2 and synaptics drivers).  

It however is possible that there could be some hardware or existing
input driver that I don't know about that is providing the appropiate
"scroll wheel" functionality, if that is the case I'd be curious to know
what your Input device settings are in XFree86.  In which case it
is hats off to Jeremey Katz (anaconday), Mike A Harris (XFree86)and
Brent Fox (redhat-config-xfree86) - positive feedback is always good.

If you are not seeing this in Fedora you might be intrested in a driver
that might go into Fedora Extras for Cambridge timescale is the
synaptics touchpad driver that can provide lots of extra functionality
for touchpads:


Currently the main caveat[1] is interoperability on 2.4 with gpm, there
are at least one set of out of tree fixes that fix it, but they are
quite large changes.  I have also seen various patches on gpm list
archives which are all trying to address the problem for 2.6 which may
fix 2.4 behaviour too.  You may want to track the following bugzilla by
adding yourself to the CC list.


I will not be releasing the driver to fedora.us until the appropriate
sdk changes go in (or conversely the fedora.us XFree86-source package is
published) and I can resolve gpm interoperablity - preferably by getting
upstream to integrate one of the input driver patches - my preference is
for the work done here:


[1] The second is a one character typo in a patch that I've since
resubmitted.  ccacche is now my friend for XFree86 compiles.

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