mixed Languages/missing Translations in anaconda & firstboot

Göran Uddeborg goeran at uddeborg.se
Mon Sep 29 19:32:08 UTC 2003

Christoph Wickert writes:
> No translation for "Mountpoint already in use, please choose another 
> one"

Jeremy Katz writes:
> Yep, as text changes, the translations get out of date, especially as I
> don't know German ;-)
> http://i18n.redhat.com/i18n/ has information on how to sign-up to help
> with translations.

Is this really the problem in this case?  I can't find the exact
message Christoph quotes above, but in anaconda-po there is

  The mount point "%s" is already in use, please choose a different
  mount point.

In redhat-config-kickstart there is a very similar message.  Both of
these message, DO HAVE up-to-date German translations.

It seems the German translators have done their part in these cases.

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