kernel panick 2.6.4-1.303

Konstantin Ryabitsev icon at
Fri Apr 2 20:31:02 UTC 2004

Michael A. Peters wrote:
> kernel-2.6.4-1.303 panic's my box before mounting root filesystem.
> Something about memory.
> kernel-2.6.4-1.300 boots just dandy.
> Since root hasn't mounted when panic occurs, there really no info I can
> get as nothing has been logged - but this is the _first_ kernel panic
> I've had in Linux since 2.2 days.

I just saw it, too. Also, interestingly, upon reboot my /home directory 
was gone. It's just a stub for automount, so there is no actual data, 
but it's nevertheless a little disturbing.

I'll see if I can recreate the situation.

Konstantin ("Icon") Ryabitsev
Duke Physics Systems Admin, RHCE
I am looking for a job in Canada!

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