Two problems with sound

Gene Smith gds at
Mon Apr 5 04:32:34 UTC 2004

Brian Bober wrote, On 04/04/2004 03:36 PM:
> There are two problems I am having with sound on fedora that never happened
> when I had installed alsa on my own. Problem one is that applications seem to
> hog the sound, and when I, say, play a song, then after I hear all the sounds
> like IM sounds and stuff that should have happened during the time the song was
> playing.
> The other problem is that ever time sound ends, I hear this big high pitched
> clicking sound.

I don't think I see what you describe. All I see is (and this only seems 
to be with kde, not gnome) is in xmms, when I hit "x" to re-start a song 
from the beginning,  I hear a fraction of a second of overlap between 
the sounds when I hit "x" and the beginning sounds. Don't hear this on 
kde in rh 7.2 on my other drive, just in fc2-kde-xmms on my test drive.

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