Help Needed: 4G/4G Kernel Testing

Cam camilo at
Sat Apr 17 21:27:49 UTC 2004

Regarding the 4G/4G testing, is there a RedHat position on this? I 
definitely have a problem with suspend/resume on recent 2.6 kernels. I 
haven't actually seen the 4G-disabled kernel binaries - they were 
removed as quickly as they appeared and with no explanation.

Some RH people seem interested (wtogami, nphilipp) and others are 
closing bugs* (arjanv) when there are still reports of problems. OK I 
pasted a log that showed my wireless drivers giving warnings, but the 
basic kernel without X and the offending modules still hangs.

I can assure you there is a problem. I am compiling a 2.6 kernel with 
4G/4G disabled to see if that helps. So long as my poor machine doesn't 
cook itself I will soon know the answer.

Even with unsubstantiated claims of 10% performance cost, and some 
actual problems, the current kernel is stopping some people from testing 
things like SElinux... so I hope this can be sorted out soon :)


Related bugs from a recent search:
(not closed yet!)
(looks promising)

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