Desktop issues discussion proposal

Peter Boy pboy at
Thu Apr 22 13:38:22 UTC 2004

Am Do, den 22.04.2004 schrieb Nils Philippsen um 11:33:
> Forst having to look for a bit of free background isn't really
> convenient to me, not the least because I tend to run many programs
> maximized ;-). I always found it a bit cumbersome to first look for free
> background or having to use the "hide all windows" button, then to click
> somewhere on the background to mount/umount CD-ROMs, USB sticks and the
> like. Now I use the Disk Mounter applet (Add to Panel->Utility->Disk
> Mounter) and this really cuts it, i.e. to mount/umount I always click on
> the same location of my desktop.

As we see, things are heavily dependent from one's working habits. (I
use dual head xinerama, having to move the mouse from the right screen
to the left, where the panel is located, is not convenient either :-) )

My point is: Add functionality, but let alternative ways of doing
something functional, as long as it doesn't overcrowd a control (the
latter condition should be considered very very important). E.g. let the
open nautilus and the drives item in the desktop context menu and create
the new computer icon on the desktop. And, perhaps, create the Disk
Mounter applet in the panel. All of them are independent of each other:
Filling the panel with the drive mounter doesn't mess up the desktop and
its icons nor the context menue. 

A new user might at first use the desktop icon, it is the most visible
way. He will not be confused by the existence of a menue item for the
same purpose in the context menue, because he woun't get to see it at
the beginning. Later he may detect alternative ways and may use them as

More advanced users can choose the alternative they like.

Currentliy, the gnome desktop is becoming very sparse. 


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