updatedb failure

t l concert at europe.com
Mon Apr 26 14:43:55 UTC 2004

I've had some problems with updatedb, but not exactly the one you describe.

Here's the scanario:  I'm running with "enforcing 1", and about 30-40 minutes after
booting, gnome becomes mostly unresponsive (i.e., the mouse no longer selects/raises
windows, terminal windows no longer respond, etc.)

After hard resetting a few times, I noticed that I could ssh in from another computer,
get a login shell, and poke around. "ps agx" always reports updatedb, slocate, etc.,
and /var/log/messages always has numbers "avc: denied" messages for slocate.

kill -9 seems to restore the machine back to a "normal" state.

Can't remember why I didn't bugzilla this one.......

    * From: Elaine Normandy <enormandy stardel com>
    * To: fedora-test-list redhat com
    * Subject: updatedb failure
    * Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 08:24:37 -0600

updatedb seems to be failing on my machine, requiring a hardware reset to recover. I checked bugzilla, and no one seems to have reported this for Fedora Core 2. I was able to run it manually on April 20. I believe it has been failing when run from cron, causing my computer to seize up when I next tried to use it. Oddly, I could use it for a few minutes before the problem became apparent.

I can reproduce the problem every time when running it from the command line as su. When run with the -v switch, it seems to be progressing for a while until it hangs. I am not quite sure how it should look in top, but until it hangs, top doesn't show anything too worrisome. When it hangs, the load seems to go to 100%, but it is kind of hard to tell at the point since my system is no longer responding.

If anyone has already logged this in bugzilla, or can think of additional diagnostics I should include, please let me know.

Elaine Normandy (Colorado Springs)
Weblog: http://www.stardel.com/fiveacres/
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