Install Boot Tip for people without CDs and USB keys

Phil Anderson phil at
Thu Apr 29 09:37:04 UTC 2004

This only applies to you if:
- You have an existing linux installation
- You don't have (or don't want to use) a CD Drive
- You don't have (or don't want to use) a USB key
- You don't want to keep anything on your primary hard disk

This is the easiest (only????) way to install fedora 2 tests:
- Copy diskboot.img onto your existing hard disk
- Boot into single user mode
- run sync
- run dd if=diskboot.img of=/dev/hda
- Reset your computer (i.e. press the button on the case)
- Start installation!

If installation freezes looking for existing partitions (#121934):
killall -9 lvm

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