Fix/Workaround for laptop Xwindows lockage

Mike Lee mlee at
Fri Apr 30 14:54:12 UTC 2004

To all,

	I saw many postings on the listserver regarding Xwindows 
resolution problems and lockage.
	I myselft have been having the same problem:

->	When booting, the nice boot screen (fram buffer) is jittery 
and only displays on half the page.
->	When the system boots and I choose to "log out" of gnome or 
kde desktop, the OS locks and the screen keeps getting brighter.  
The thing to do at this point is either rip the batter out or 
hold the power button down for a while to cycle the system.

	Last night I have found a fix/workaround that seems to be 
working to fix both problem above.
	First you need to know the correct resolution your laptop screen 
was built for.  For example, my Dell Inspiron is meant to do 
1400x1050 .  In my xorg.conf file I noticed that it had only 
1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 as the resolutions.  So I added 
1400x1050 as the default.  I was then able to view the screen at 
the correct resolution, but still had lockage.
	So, I removed all resolution settings and only kept the 
1400x1050.  Now the boot screen looks perfect and no lockage 
when logging out.
	From my work, it seems that when you log out of a desktop, Xorg 
tries to cycle/test the different resolutions and that is what 
locks the system up.  Also I found other listings regarding 
DDC/laptop issues.  I don't know much about the DDC stuff (only 
that some laptops support it and some dont), so if anyone else 
can maybe think why this is and explain it to the rest of us.  
By only having one resolution setting, it does not try others.
	Works for me.  Now I can use the system without cursing it.  
Hope this helps.
	To all that contributed to Fedora and Linux in general; Great 

Mike Lee
Director Services - The NewMedia Group
Montana Tech Blackboard Administrator

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