ARRGH! Metacity is killing me. [geoff at]

Geoffrey Leach geoff at
Fri Apr 30 22:36:56 UTC 2004

On 04.29 21:11, Matthew Miller wrote:

> The question is: how can I change the window manager Gnome uses to something
> a little more _flexible? I've got Window Maker installed, but then I
> discovered that the new GNOME apparently has no visible option for changing
> window manager. (Of course! It's better that way! Why would you want to
> change it away from the perfect-for-all-humanity defaults?!?) So I did some
> googling, and discovered that there's a GConf setting for this. So I use
> gconf-editor and change it. Log out, log back in again, and hey, lookit
> that, no effect at all.

gnome-session-properties is included but (inexplicably IMHO, Bugzilla notified) not shown in the menu.


%killall metaticy; new-wm &

and save the ssession.

Good luck

Geoffrey Leach

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