missing boot disk.img

Gerrit gerrit at nl.linux.org
Sat Feb 14 19:34:54 UTC 2004

Phil Schaffner wrote:
> A workaround that does it for me:
> cd [install_directory]/isolinux
> cp vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-1.90
> cp initrd.img /boot/initrd-1.90.img

> title Fedora test1 (1.90) installer
>         root(hd0,0)
>         kernel /vmlinuz-1.90
>         initrd /initrd-1.90.img

Thanks - this works great! Why isn't this documented as such? Is it not
guaranteed to work? If I'd known this before, I'd used it even when a
boot disk was available - never thought of the possibility.

Note that anaconda does run extremely slow for me, but I don't whether
that has to do with the install method or with problems in test 1


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