Lets take the worst of windows and make it the unchangeable default of linux

Stephen Moore stephen at skmoore.com
Wed Feb 18 11:04:59 UTC 2004

>I find it interesting that most people who dislike the new spatial mode
>also add a comment that they don't actually use Nautilus. For any change
>there will always be some people who don't like it. Hopefully the people
>who actually use Nautilus will like it better.
>Anyway, the default behaviour is decided and won't change. Maybe at some
>point before 2.6 we'll add a preference that lets you default to
>navigational mode. However, we'd like to force people to use spatial
>mode in order to flush out all bugs from it (and make some people notice
>that its actually nice).
Well, I didn't add a comment that I dont use nautilus, I do use it and 
don't mind it (actually, i quite like it). I can accept that this is the 
default behaviour, and I am comfy to test it in the mean time.

What I was moaning about, is the lack of choice, the inability to 
exercise a choice to maintain the current default behaviour.

I was trying to copy a file from ~/dvdrip/harrypotter/avi/001/cos.ogm to 

Using the new spatial mode opened *FOUR* windows to get to the movie.
Open a new "Computer" window and then *FIVE* new windows to get it to 
where I wanted to move the file.

So I had a total of 9 windows open to move one file.

I don't like the fact that some people feel we have to copy other 
operating systems behaviour, but I can live with it.

What drives me nuts is when you are forced to choose their way, or the 


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