up2date timeout

Steve Bergman steve at rueb.com
Tue Feb 24 20:36:26 UTC 2004

Timothy Ryan Bierer wrote:

> Hey all,
>     I run the command (as su -) "up2date --get" in the console and 
> everything goes fine until it gets to 
> "Fetching://fedora.redhat.com/up2date-mirrors/etc/."  It spits out 
> that there was a connection time out every time.  I'm on a DSN 
> network, so this is not a normal problem.  Is there any way to change 
> this?
I tried to get up2date and up2date-gnome from download.fedora.redhat.com 
earlier and the server seemed quite heavily loaded.  It took several 
attempts and about 30 minutes to get a full listing of the RPMS 
directory.  I suspect this may be causing your problem.

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