Advice to swithc to xorg from XFree86-4.3.0-59

Satish Balay balay at
Wed Jul 21 00:07:27 UTC 2004

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Harry Putnam wrote:

> Before you showed me how to set up yum.conf.  I attempted to get it
> to go to the right tree by editing /etc/fedora-release.


> I tried setting the file back to original state but yum isn't buying
> it.  Finally I tried installing the fedora-release in rawhide.
> Still yum errors out on release problem.  Finally I tried updating to
> most recent yum, but it still errors out on `release'.
> Any idea how I can fix that and get on trying the upgrade?

Your setup looks extremely messy.

Since you've manally changed /etc/fedora-release file - it was not
updated (when you installed the new rpm) . You'll have to do something

mv /etc/fedora-release.rpmnew  /etc/fedora-release

can you also do the following (and send the info)?

rpm -q fedora-release
rpm -V fedora-release


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